404 Sight Not Found for September 30, 2024

October 01, 2024 00:24:19
404 Sight Not Found for September 30, 2024
404 Sight not Found
404 Sight Not Found for September 30, 2024

Oct 01 2024 | 00:24:19


Show Notes

Join Liam and Alyssa for a demonstration of their Samsung smart washer and dryer. You can find model numbers below.

Washer: WA52DG5500AW

Dryer: DVE52A5500W

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:08] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to 404, site not found for September 30, 2024. Can you believe it is the end of September? [00:00:16] Speaker B: It doesn't feel like it. [00:00:17] Speaker A: No. [00:00:17] Speaker B: The weather certainly does not reflect it here. [00:00:20] Speaker A: No. So, hi, as always. I'm Liam. And she's not Liam, she's Alyssa. And yeah, it is 90 degrees out. And, yeah, a chilly fall day. Yeah, a nice chilly fall day. Great night to go out and have some hot cocoa. [00:00:38] Speaker B: By the fire. [00:00:39] Speaker A: Yeah, by the fire. What is going on? This weather's crazy. I mean, I know we're in Oklahoma and everything, but still. Come on. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, we should be preparing for Halloween bonfires. [00:00:52] Speaker A: Well, we did prepare for Halloween. [00:00:54] Speaker B: That's true. We have the giant candy drawer that. [00:00:56] Speaker A: Is full of candy just for us. [00:00:58] Speaker B: That's correct. We don't intend to host trick or treaters. [00:01:03] Speaker A: No. [00:01:04] Speaker B: There are just some inherent risks that come with that, especially if you are blind. [00:01:09] Speaker A: Well, mainly I just hate people. That's why. That's really what it is more than anything else. [00:01:14] Speaker B: We don't like to answer the door for people we don't know. [00:01:17] Speaker A: I don't even like to answer the door for people I do know. [00:01:19] Speaker B: No, instead you bark at them. [00:01:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Yes, I did that. Apologies to my poor o and m who I barked at on Friday. And she was just like, excuse me, sir, are you barking at me? And I'm like, yeah, we both barked at you. You're welcome. [00:01:35] Speaker B: And then I did it again to demonstrate. [00:01:37] Speaker A: Yes. So on today's episode, we have something special for you. [00:01:41] Speaker B: Oh, we gotta talk about Clark. [00:01:43] Speaker A: Oh, yes. Oh, before we do that, yeah, we did go to Clark crew, and it was really good. [00:01:48] Speaker B: Yes, their burnt ends are some of the best burnt ends. I am willing to die on that hill. [00:01:54] Speaker A: If you live in the Oklahoma city area, you definitely need to go to Clare crew. We found out there's one in Tulsa. [00:02:00] Speaker B: Yeah, that must be new. [00:02:02] Speaker A: So there is one also in Tulsa. If you live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, go check them out. But yes, for today's content, this podcast is a little longer because we have a 17 minutes demonstration of our Samsung washer and dryer. They are both smart units, and I demonstrated both. And you even have a time lapsed wash cycle. [00:02:23] Speaker C: So. [00:02:24] Speaker B: Yeah, it doesn't really wash that fast. No, that would be amazing. [00:02:27] Speaker A: Wouldn't that be cool if that's how it really washed? Especially if it dried that fast. The drying cycle. I think I left like 5 seconds of drying in there. [00:02:35] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, people wanted to hear the samsung song, and I joked that we should have time lapsed that, too. [00:02:41] Speaker A: Oh, we should have. [00:02:42] Speaker B: Well, this is how it would be if you're time lapsing. [00:02:44] Speaker A: Yeah, true. Oh, well, we didn't do it. So without any further ado, here is the demonstration of the Samsung washer and dryer. [00:02:52] Speaker C: Hello, and welcome to a quick demonstration of our Samsung washer and dryer. These are a matching set, a 5.2 cubic foot impeller, smart top loading washer, and a seven, I believe it's seven cubic foot dryer. All the measurements don't really matter. The important stuff is what makes these things great and what makes them usable. There's two things. The first thing is that the knob on this clicks and turns. So as I turn it, click, click, click, click, click. [00:03:25] Speaker A: In fact, let me power it on. [00:03:26] Speaker C: For you and show you. So these are touch panel, but there are braille markings for p for power and s for start. So you press to the left of. [00:03:38] Speaker A: Those to power this on. [00:03:40] Speaker C: But as I turn this knob, so I'm going through all the different cycles, and that double ping means I'm back to the normal cycle. So I'm going to turn that off and just talk about really quick. So, knob on the left. To the right of the knob, there are four dots. And above the dots, you would tap to change a setting. So there are settings for temperature, I believe, number of spins, spin speed and rinses, and some other stuff. And I don't use that. [00:04:18] Speaker A: I use the app, which I'm going. [00:04:20] Speaker C: To talk about right now. So this is an impeller, which means there is no agitator in the center. It is a smart impeller machine, which I mentioned before we put all of our clothes in here. I actually did not put soap in yet, so let me grab some soap. We're going to just use pipods because why not get two tide pods and I'm just gonna throw them into the machine? The machine actually has a cool little drawer for fabric softener and all those things. We're just putting them right in here. Now, the cool thing about this washer that I like is on a lot of washers, if you push the lid forward and close it, it slams down and makes all sorts of noise. Not this one. I'm going to let this lid go. Coming down, coming down. And gently lands, so no slamming. Another cool thing is there is a glass window at the top, so you can look down and watch what it's doing, if that is your thing. But what I want to talk about is the smartthings app. So I have my phone here, favorites tab. On the bottom of my app, I have multiple tabs. I have favorites, devices, lights, routines and menu. So we're going to look at the favorites tab, which is already selected. [00:05:54] Speaker D: Laundry room washer. [00:05:56] Speaker C: I have two devices here, laundry room washer and laundry room dryer. So it's really cool here in is. If I had one of these machines running, I could see how much time is left on the machine and what it's doing. You can also get to this from devices, but I find that this is the faster way. Set your favorites and do what you gotta do. So let's go into our dryer. [00:06:18] Speaker D: Laundry room washer. [00:06:20] Speaker C: We're gonna go into our washer. Sorry, not our dryer. We'll do the dryer too, when we are at that point. So I have everything for cycle temperature. Level four, temperature rinse, one time, rinse, spin. Level three, spin, soil, which I guess determines how much dirt I want in my clothes or maybe how dirty my clothes are. I would assume this thing does not add dirt. That would kind of defeat the purpose. [00:06:45] Speaker D: Super speed. [00:06:46] Speaker C: We can also turn on super speed, which we don't want. So let's start with cycle. One thing I'm going to do, I'm going to turn this machine on. [00:06:54] Speaker A: And so I'm going to find on. [00:06:56] Speaker C: The right side, there's a letter P. I'm going to just touch the left. [00:06:58] Speaker A: Of that. [00:07:01] Speaker C: And cycle. So I'm gonna want. I'm actually gonna go. I'm showing you guys all the different ones here. [00:07:23] Speaker D: Denim watch does not check. Power ends. Use of cancel. [00:07:27] Speaker C: We're going to do white type things. Whites. And so we've checked that. We're going to go down to the bottom tap. Done. This is going to send a whole bunch of, set a whole bunch of settings for us. So we have whites. So level five, hot. So I can change this if I want to. I'll just show you what we would do. So we have selected not check. [00:07:56] Speaker D: Level one, cold. [00:07:57] Speaker B: Cold. [00:07:58] Speaker D: Level two, cool, not check. Level three, eco warm, not check. Level four, warm. Checked. Level five, hot. [00:08:05] Speaker C: And I want hot, so I'm not going to change that. I can also change rinse. So it's going to do two rinses, high spin. And we can set from. I'm going to show you these. Rinse, hold, no spin. Drain and no spin. [00:08:28] Speaker D: Level one, low, not check. Level two, medium. Checked. Level three, high. Cannot check. Level four, extra high, not check. [00:08:36] Speaker C: So we're going to leave it at three. And these other settings work much the same way. I'm not going to worry about all that stuff. So before I start the machine, I have to press the button here that says send to washer. [00:08:52] Speaker A: And the washer is going to ping. [00:08:54] Speaker C: To let me know it got the settings. I'm going to go find the s on the right side and I'm going to hold it just to the left of the letter s for about 2 seconds. And it's going to make a Mario coin sound. Well, sort of like a Mario coin sound. It was a tritone and the machine has just locked. And we can look on this app here. Casa de Urban is the name of the household. Testing, sensing the load. So what the machine is doing right now is it is figuring out how much clothes did Liam put in there? How full is this basket? So it's going to do that for just a moment and it's going to do its thinking. And what's really cool is as it is washing, we are going to be able to see what the status of it is and how much time is left. So if you're like, I really want some of these. These are Samsung. They are top loaders. Well, the washer is a top loader. The dryer is a front loader, as most dryers are. And we got the set from Lowe's and they're pretty nice. Lowe's came and set them up, did. [00:10:06] Speaker A: A really good job. [00:10:07] Speaker C: They are very good. Okay, so it is just doing its little laundry stuff. So I think it's done. [00:10:17] Speaker A: Oh, and now it's going to fill. [00:10:20] Speaker C: Still says sensing. So what happens sometimes I notice is sometimes I need to go back. Oh, 139. So remember I mentioned to you if one of these is running so I can see laundry room and I can actually see the time that there's 139. So I can tap back into that washer. So then I can see a progress bar. So I'm going to leave you guys with the laundry doing its thing. I will time lapse this for you and I will be back when it's done. There have been requests made that I record the Samsung ending jingle. So you're gonna get that. So I'll see you in, well, what should be an hour and 39 minutes, but probably recording wise will be more like three or four minutes. So I'll be back. Have fun. [00:11:21] Speaker A: Make good choices. [00:13:11] Speaker C: Sadeena it. And here we are. Our laundry is done. Okay, so I am back. You guys got to hear the wonderful piece of sherbet. Sherbet. Schubert. Sherbet. Sherbet is something else. So what we're going to do here is we're going to take our clothes out and put them in the dryer. And there's part of this recording that hopefully I've edited out correctly. I was trying to demonstrate a really cool feature and it didn't work, unfortunately. Just, I need to spend some time with this. Maybe I'll come back and show you guys another one. So we're taking all of our clothes out, putting our clothes in the dryer. This is a very deep basin, so you really have to dig around in here. But I think I got everything out. Sometimes if you're short, you might need a step stool. I am fortunately not super duper short. All right, so we're closing our washer down and we're going to turn our washer off. Okay. So we're going to close our dryer. I don't know if this is on or off. What do you, what do you set to? All right, you're on. Alright, so for our dryer, we're going to go. So we did normal. [00:16:40] Speaker D: Not check heavy duty. [00:16:42] Speaker C: Heavy duty bedding. Bedding firm. [00:16:44] Speaker D: Pressed, knock, check. Steam sanit. Knock, check, refresh. [00:16:47] Speaker C: So we have a steam sanitizer. We have a refresh. We have air fluff. I'm gonna just do normal and I'm gonna probably leave everything where it's at. Dryness level three, time. We can set if we want to, temperature level four, medium, prevent wrinkles. That's all feature we're not going to use. So because I didn't change anything, I could hit start right now. But I'm just, you know, for following what we're doing. Send a dryer. We've sent it and we're going to start it. And there you go. I'll see you back when this is done. Enjoy the dryer. [00:17:39] Speaker A: Oh, so now that the dryer is. [00:17:41] Speaker C: Running, I can go navigate up. I can see that the washer is off. I can see it's drying. That's about normal for a small loader laundry. So 40 minutes. Also, it will adjust itself if it feels like things are dry already. I've had it do that where it'll say no, this will take 45 minutes and then it takes ten. So I'll be back when it's done. See you all later. Okay, so we're not going to call it sherbet again. That was Schubert, I believe. It's like it's something about a fish. I forget the name of the piece, but it's an operatic piece. So feel free to go google it and then tell me what it actually is, because I don't feel like it. So that was the Samsung washer and dryer. They are the smart stackable. I will try to throw in this podcast feed. I'll try to throw the brand number or the bottle numbers in there, if I can find them. If not, you can find them at your local hardware store. They are very relatively decently priced, I suppose for a washer and dryer and for having smart features, I think they are fairly priced. So if you are looking for, you know, some new laundry machines for your home or whatever, check these out. They're full size. Like I said, the washer is 5.2 cubic foot, the dryer is like seven, and they have a lot of really cool features and they are snazzy. So thanks for listening. Goodbye. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Ah, what a great demonstration that was. [00:20:08] Speaker B: So again, we didn't actually listen to it. No. This is the magic of editing, the magic of radio. [00:20:17] Speaker A: So, yeah, I would like to demonstrate a couple more things. So not in the recording you don't get to. I wanted to show off, there's a faucet. So if like, let's say somebody spits up on their clothing, that's like the most polite way I can put it. Spit up on your clothing. [00:20:35] Speaker B: Somebody gets a little ill. Vomit. [00:20:39] Speaker A: You know, I like spit up better. That sounds pleasant. [00:20:44] Speaker B: No, it doesn't. [00:20:45] Speaker A: It sounds better than Ralph's. Pukes, vomit's, barfs, Frank's, George's, I don't know, Jim's, Esteban's. [00:20:59] Speaker B: Ricardo's. [00:21:00] Speaker A: Ricardo. [00:21:03] Speaker B: Now we're just making stuff up. Okay, this is gonna be way too long. This is gonna be a 30 minutes podcast. Sorry, guys, guys. [00:21:10] Speaker A: Yeah, so I hope you enjoyed the demo, but we would like to share a demo of the faucet. And also would like to share a demo of how what I found you could do is actually have the device, like, as you're changing things on the device, have the app show you what you're changing things to. I could not get this to work on the demo. So if I can get it to work, I will do a second demo with those features I'm gonna try in the show notes to put in what the model numbers of the machines are, if I can find them. I can't seem to find them on my receipt, so may not have them, but honestly, just Google Samsung washer. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Samsung smart washer? [00:21:53] Speaker A: Yeah, smart washer and dryer. There are, they're relatively cheap, so I believe they were under 650 for each of them. [00:22:00] Speaker B: It was right about. [00:22:01] Speaker A: Yeah, I think was 650 for each of them. And so they're relatively inexpensive, so check. [00:22:06] Speaker B: Them out for what they can do. That's a pretty good. [00:22:08] Speaker A: Yeah, no, for sure. So, like. And like I said in the demo, too, if you're looking for something, this might be an option for you, but we hope you enjoyed today's podcast. We'll be back soon with more unsighted goodness. [00:22:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:23] Speaker A: And if you want to leave us a comment, we are on Mastodon at lworks games. I have recently reopened my twitter, so I was, like, protected for a while. But I am Liam Irvin on Twitter. Or x, whatever you want to call it, or Y or z. And so you can always. W. W. No, that's. I don't like w. Not okay with that. [00:22:47] Speaker B: Okay. [00:22:48] Speaker A: It's too long. [00:22:50] Speaker B: Dubs. [00:22:51] Speaker A: Dubs. I'm on the dub. [00:22:55] Speaker C: Sounds wrong. [00:22:56] Speaker A: So, yeah, so I'm on those platforms. Feel free to let us know what you think of the podcast. If you have things that you want us to talk about, please write in. I want to know what you guys are thinking. This podcast is for you. Obviously. It's very slice of life ish, but, you know, love to hear from people going, hey, this was a cool podcast, or whatever. [00:23:17] Speaker C: So. [00:23:17] Speaker A: And some of the things that you guys have said were incorporating. So people were saying that the balances of left and right was kind of weird. So we've tried a different setup. Like, we're recording this in your office, actually. [00:23:29] Speaker B: Yes. We opted not to go outside for this one. It's too hot, and it's later in the day. It's like, usually we try to do this in the morning and program director. [00:23:38] Speaker A: Oliver won't shut up today. [00:23:39] Speaker B: Yeah, program director Oliver really has a lot to say. [00:23:42] Speaker A: He does. [00:23:43] Speaker B: We just didn't feel like dealing with that shenanigans. [00:23:47] Speaker A: No, we did not. [00:23:49] Speaker B: Next one will be shorter, we promise. [00:23:51] Speaker A: Yes, yes. We'll make it, like three minutes just to make up for this one. It'll just be a hello. Goodbye below. [00:23:57] Speaker B: Here's what kind of coffee I'm drinking today. Goodbye. [00:23:59] Speaker A: Goodbye. So anyways, we will see you guys next time. I already forgot. [00:24:03] Speaker B: We see you. [00:24:04] Speaker A: We'll see you when we see. Thank you. I always forget that I'm. 404. Site not found. [00:24:08] Speaker C: Bye.

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